
Priority House

Hermitage Ln, Maidstone ME16 9PH, United Kingdom

Priority House
19 reviews
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7FFP+9H Maidstone, United Kingdom
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Kirsty harris
Kirsty harris
Disgusting place, staff are judgy, sneaky, rude and listen to all your conversations. How any people sick people get better with the awful staff here I will never know. I ended up feeling 20 times than when I got there just because of the staff. This place is helping no one with any of the staff there. When you ask or question or request something they just say give us a minute and go back to there conversations about there dinner or TV shows then forget all about you coming and asking. Awful place.
G. Curtis
G. Curtis
I was admitted to Boughton Ward for acutely suicidal depression in the context of a mixed affective episode of Bipolar Disorder. It was radically untherapeutic and we were treated as though we were deviants who needed to learn how to behave rather than human beings who were cracking apart with the pain of mental ill health and all its attendant instabilities.

Most of the ward staff were dead behind the eyes and lacked both compassion and intelligence; those who had a glimmer of either quality seemed to be worried they might get into trouble for displaying their humanity for longer than a few seconds.

Even the most basic processes and information were not correctly understood (if at all) by staff.

For example, I spent the first 3 days politely requesting copies of my Section Papers and was told by 2 members of staff that I wasn't allowed to have them, by another that they were in the safe in the ward office but they had no key, by another that they were not in the safe but in an office elsewhere in the building and they had no access to that office, and by yet another that 'I don't know if you can have them -- I will find out and let you know'. He never did get back to me. These papers detail why my freedom was taken from me and I knew I had the right to a copy of them so I finally obtained them by phoning the hospital administration myself; they instructed the staff to give them to me and I received them on day 5 of my admission.

These authoritarian automatons have no trouble producing paperwork when they are taking away your freedom under the Mental Health Act, but when you want that paperwork to begin securing your freedom again you are sent down bureaucratic cul-de-sacs for days. If you get cross about any of this lunacy they tell you not to misbehave and you risk being punished for being 'non-compliant'. Hospital or prison? In the case of mental health it is, sadly, both.

The fiercely held doctrine of the Occupational Therapists was that we were there simply because we were badly behaved and not because we were ill. They blamed every deficiency on the patients:

•Insufficient amounts of food at mealtimes: Just eat less.

•Insufficient activities: Use your imagination and come up with your own.

•Give patients some resources to entertain and distract themselves: We can't because of the health and safety rules.

•Reopen the gym (closed for 2 weeks): We can't and we cannot tell you why.

Hilariously, the Occupational Therapist who told us to eat less was significantly overweight, which somewhat weakened her already non-existent credibility!

I requested a meeting with the Assistant Psychologist, who promised to come and see me but never did, and the psychiatrist was didactic and dismissive in my final meeting with him.

I'd choose suicidal depression rather than another admission to this Orwellian holding-pen; they ought to close the ward down.

N.B. The NHS 'moderation team' would not allow this review to be posted on their Review Page for Priority House!
Nicholas “Nick” Wilson
Nicholas “Nick” Wilson
Upnor ward is an acute ward with the purpose of providing immediate residential care to patients with mental health disability issues and assess their needs and make the appropriate referral for any medication and therapy decided necessary for the best possible outcome for the patients well being
Tara Collins
Tara Collins192 days ago
Upnor ward very unprofessional not enough stuff and neglect on patients.
Would not recommend to anyone
Craig Brisley
Craig Brisley283 days ago
First ( and last 🤞) time in any hospital - was patient for 6 weeks and wanted to say thanks to the excellent staff for all their help , compassion , support on my road to recovery.

The ward is a modern facility with good facilities , the only area for improvement IMO is more access ( 3 times week minimum ) to sport / recreation either gym or using outside badminton court area as exercise is key part of mental health issue recovery.
Secondly the psychiatrist/ therapist Howard who helped me so much should be available for follow up out patient treatment as you forge a relationship with him , trust him , he knows your story , but you don’t have access to him after discharge.

My time in there during the worst period of my life was one of the best things I have done , I’m a new version of my old self through this , medication , therapy and most importantly self motivation.
Stefania Di Giovanni Awoyokun
Stefania Di Giovanni Awoyokun314 days ago
An horrible place full of incompetent so called doctors
Jade mcnamara
Jade mcnamara1 year ago
Avoid This place at all costs. Rude staff very un caring. They never once informed me as her next of kin about any of her treatment and proceeded to perform more ECT without notifying me. On many ooccasions mum tried harming herself and attempted suicide twice whilst under there care. I was her next of kin and was never informed about any of this. She was never put on 1 to 1 care or looked after in a professional appropriate manner.

Then I recieved a call to say she had bee successful after the third attempt
This place is a dangerous place and should be shut down. Due to there negligence my family have lost a wonderull kind woman and life will never be the same. I will never let this go and i will get the justice she deserves.
Esmé s-g
Esmé s-g1 year ago
(chartwell ward)
Safeguards not taken seriously, absolutely neglectful in areas, lack of food available and none- very limited options for special diet- not feeding some people at all. Staff arguments with eachother, staff very unkind + uncaring, very little empathy from some staff. Doctors not even being called for medical emergencies let alone ambulances. Ward as it is currently does not promote an environment for recovery at all. Worst experience in a ward I've ever experienced, need to change wards/ be discharged asap with how bad it is.
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