
Kingfisher Court NHS

Kingfisher Court Kingsley Green, Harper Ln, Radlett WD7 9HQ, United Kingdom

21 reviews
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PM2V+R5 Radlett, United Kingdom
+44 1923 633000
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Billy Sheehan
Billy Sheehan264 days ago
Absolutely horrendous experience I was admitted after 10 months waiting and a lot of aggravation which triggered extremely painful dyshidrotic Excema. When I arrived I was horrified to find that the whole place was a huge locked series of wards - I was treated along with other inmates who were brought in by the POLICE, and Sectioned - extremely violent and disruptive to both patients and staff - Foul language all the time. There were a few good Senior staff and a very few of the so called Nursing assistants - who actually had no nursing experience or qualifications whatsoever! Most of the time they would sit down with their phones and talk to family, friends and even try to hide their phone under the table or behind a blank clip board.
Patient's who obviously had a serious weight problem - potentially live threatening were given no dietary advice, and I watched several of these elderly ladies hungrily eating large amounts of chocolate sponge. No dietitians and a pharmacist who refused to allow me to take over the counter vitamins and fish oils both on the instructions of my expert Neuropsychiatric consultant!
Then after 6 weeks of trying to just survive the daily noise, terrible facilities - although the place cost over £54 million to build and it was only 8 years old, flooring in the bathroom was collapsing, some doors were literally falling off the hinges and had huge cracks above the door. Every room had large heaters which were on in the middle of summer and the thermostat had no effect - so all rooms were extremely hot, as were the showers. The overworked maintenance crew had to be there virtually constantly - unblocking toilets, trying to repaint and grease every door and all the doors in the corridors slammed shut making sleep extremely difficult!

In summary I would Implore anyone considering being admitted to the hospital to seek expert advice from the best Doctor /Consultant you may be lucky to have.
I have written all this in the hope that it might just prevent even one person having to endure the hell I personally went through. The worst insult was that after being there for nearly 2 months, I was summarily discharged despite the fact that the sole reason I was there was to have ECT treatment which my Mood disorders specialist had recommended.
I really do hope that this will help anyone in similar circumstances to avoid the place - I believe that the best place to apply for is in Northamptonshire, where they have a Neuromodulation Centre - Which apart from offering ECT, also has Rtems, and many other forms Of magnetic stimulation - all none invasive and with proven efficacy.
Yours in hope for the future and NEVER SURRENDER!
Jon W
Jon W264 days ago
Hi - In addition to my previous review I have just found out that both my driving license and my American Express card, which were locked in the safe on the ward with only the ward manager knowing the pin number! I have spoken to him multiple times as well as as other senior staff who all said they were going to look into it and would be calling me back - and this has never happened!
I have requested that I be reimbursed for the cost of the replacement license I have had to order - but again was told that he would have to ask his line manager!
So again, I would urge anyone seeing this to avoid the place like the plague! Also if anyone else has similar awful experience of this, please complain to the CQC and let everyone else know what you have been through.


Martyn Jackson
Martyn Jackson294 days ago
NHS workers not rally car drivers! Every NHS worker that works here. Uses to the roads through the Harperbury Park development as a rally track. Zero consideration to the residents who live here or other drivers. Driving at breakneck speeds and never indicating. Today we saw 2 cars have a bad crash due to the poor driving by NHS staff! You should all be a shamed of yourselves.
Eleanor1 year ago
Robin ward at Kingfisher Court traumatised me, and I have submitted 2 formal complaints about how I was treated there. I will give it credit for being so awful it motivated me to get the hell out and I will give the consultant credit adopting a positive risk taking approach with me so I could get home ASAP, but that is all.
On Robin I was left for hours harming myself by headbanging until I couldn't physically continue, as I'd almost knocked myself out. This happened multiple times. On one occasion I was completely ignored for 45 minutes until I moved outside, then staff tried to engage verbally with me a few times but quickly gave up and moved back to watching me from the other side of the courtyard whilst talking to and even laughing with their colleagues as if nothing was happening. On another occasion I was ordered to clean my own head and wipe the blood off the wall straight after, when still very distressed.
Following a different incident I was stripped and put into safety clothing with multiple staff in the room, probably 2 or 3 more than necessary, after very inadequate attempts to help me agree to change myself. As usual there was no debrief after. And perhaps the most dehumanising thing I experienced on the ward was being left for 8 days with no blanket or pillow, told that they had no safety bedding across the whole trust and it would take a while to order it in. I'm not sure if they even tried to ask other nearby trusts or private companies, but I can't believe that they tried very hard after 8 whole days of waiting. A few times when I expressed my concerns staff responded with 'well why don't you have normal bedding then?', trying to put their failures onto me as if it was my fault when I was clearly extremely unwell.
I could go on and on about the ignorance and inappropriate responses from staff, reliance on agency and bank staffing, failure to provide me with vegan food and more, but for now I will leave it here. My experience on Robin ward is one I will be processing for a long time. I believe some incidents will stay with me my whole life. I can only hope my formal complaints trigger change within the system and perhaps help future patients, and in the meantime I will be trying to recover from my own experiences and praying I never end up at this hospital again.
Georgia Kay
Georgia Kay1 year ago
Some Staff have been very nice to me, but certain doctor is AWFUL. Forgets everything he says in his ward rounds and writes nothing down, I shouldn’t even be here as I’m perfectly fine yet they won’t let me leave because I react to someone physically attacking me. This place needs a serious kick up the @ss as the way patients are treated like dogs is not okay. The amount I’ve seen will traumatise me for life and I’m still fighting to be let back home, was meant to get finical help and they barely do anything about it. I understand the under staffed but then they shouldn’t be open to this many patients if they can’t handle them.
Alfred Hagerman
Alfred Hagerman1 year ago
I left Wren Ward yesterday after 28 days and have two serious complaints.
- There is no morning newspaper delivery service, and
- the marmalade and jam pods are almost impossible to open, resulting in more on one's fingers than on the toast.

With such an introduction one might expect the rest of this post to be laudatory, and it is. I can remember only very few occasions when my expectations have been exceeded to such an extent.
The accommodation, cleanliness, catering and, above all, the medical and caring staff at all levels were exemplary. Their professionalism , understanding, courtesy kindness and patience in such a demanding working environment was so evident, and clearly paramount.
I have already thanked a number of staff and this is by way of reinforcing those thanks, and extending it to those I missed.

The NHS gets (too) many brickbats. I felt very strongly that some plaudits were in order. I fear I am running out of superlatives but perhaps a final one - Kingfisher Court, and Wren Ward in particular, must be the jewel in the NHS crown.

Finally, a quotation that could apply to many organisation that come under the influence of politicians, and certainly so the NHS.
Deja vu!
"We trained hard but it seemed that every time we're beginning to form up into teams we would be reorganised. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganising; and a wonderful way it can be for creating the illusion of progress and improvement whilst creating confusion, inefficiency and demoralisation."
Caius Petronius AD 66

The secret, as many a large business will know, is evolution not revolution.

With best wishes for Kingfisher's continuing success, and my thanks to you all for helping me along the recovery road.

Yours, most sincerely,
Alfred Hagerman
Tommy Smith
Tommy Smith1 year ago
Words cannot describe how traumatising Oak ward was.. A member of staff elbowed me in the groin (yes on purpose), I was stripped down and forced to wear ‘safety’ clothing and put in solitary confinement. I understand people can be a nightmare to deal with in these circumstances but there is no justification for the way I was treated. If there was anyway to prove what I experienced multiple members of staff would have lost their jobs.

I left king fisher court after 3 months feeling completely violated and dehumanised. I will live with these memories for the rest of my life.
Andrew Martin
Andrew Martin1 year ago
Been here since Wednesday, but already seen staff violence to woulds patient's, ask for help from staff and not a thing happens. Just sit on their arses doing nothing! Not even eaten here yet food looks gross. Prisoners get better looked after!
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