
Ambasada României în Londra

4 Palace Green, London W8 4QD, United Kingdom

Ambasada României în Londra
13 reviews
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GR35+JX London, United Kingdom
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Alex Esanu
Alex Esanu234 days ago
Alexandra Pruteanu
Alexandra Pruteanu265 days ago
Telefonul nu merge!!!!!! Phone is not working to call them!!!!!
Elisabeta Deoanca
Elisabeta Deoanca295 days ago
I have not yet been at the New placed Roumanian Embassy,but today after I sent a message in the morning,after less than 4 hours,I ' be got a message from the employees of the Roumanian Embassy.They were very helpful and I really appreciate that,and thanks for answering so quickly.
D C1 year ago
I've been turned around by entrance security saying this is just a residential area now, why is it still showing Romanian embassy is there then? Because of lazy people! Drove for 2 hours for no f reason!
Dan Aramă
Dan Aramă2 years ago
Long time till we received an appointment, but all good. ;)
Sabau Elvira Catalina
Sabau Elvira Catalina2 years ago
To long for an appointment
Claudia Schiopu
Claudia Schiopu2 years ago
(Translated by Google) One of the worst experiences!!! I went to submit the documents for the child's passport (1 year old!!!). In addition to the fact that I stayed 1 hour+ beyond the appointment time, I was also greeted by an extremely arrogant individual! I don't know if the low IQ or the lack of empathy (or both) led to the impossibility of understanding the fact that a child cannot wait in endless queues or sit still without crying in the picture (I was told that he must he stands with his hands next to his body in the conditions where I had to support the child on one leg and somehow at a distance so as not to appear in the picture). We didn't succeed the first time and we had to return after about 45 minutes after it calmed down. The 2nd time he managed to get a picture, but the individual (although it was a good picture, you could see the face was ok) claimed that there is a possibility that it will not be accepted. After the husband said that it is not normal to be kept in line for so long, because a child will never have patience, the individual sent me to fill out an application and the address on an envelope and then left. And he left us there without informing us how we would be notified of the acceptance of the photo, without passport tracking and with all our documents on the table, where they could be taken or lost. It is unacceptable !!! And I am firmly aware that NO ONE will take me into account and the individual's behavior will not be corrected. In the conditions in which we are treated like this, I don't understand why the politicians are still surprised that their citizens are leaving! Shame on you!
It should be mentioned that it happened in Hammersmith at the Consulate.

Una dintre cele mai urate experiente !!! Am fost sa depun actele pentru pasaportului copilului (de 1 an!!! ). Pe langa faptul ca am stat 1 ora+ peste ora programarii, am mai fost intampinata si de o individa extrem de aroganta! Nu stiu daca IQ-ul redus sau lipsa de empatie( sau ambele) au dus la imposibilitatea de a intelege faptul ca un copil nu are stare sa astepte la cozi interminabile sau sa stea nemiscat fara sa planga la poza( mi s-a spus ca trebuie sa stea cu mainile pe langa corp in conditiile in care trebuia sa sustin pe 1 picior copilul si cumva la distanta ca sa nu apar in poza). Nu am reusit prima oara si a trebuit sa ne intoarcem dupa vreo 45 de min dupa ce s-a mai calmat. A 2a oara a reusit cu chiu cu vai o poza, insa individa( cu toate ca era o poza buna se vedea fata era ok) a sustinut ca exista posibilitatea sa nu fie acceptata. Dupa ce sotul a spus ca nu e normal sa fim tinuti atata la coada, deoarece un copil niciodata nu va avea rabdare, individa m-a trimis sa completez o cerere si adresa pe un plic si dupa a plecat. Si ne-a lasat acolo fara sa ne informeze cum o sa fim anuntati de acceptarea pozei, fara tracking pentru pasaport si cu toate documentele noastre pe masa, de unde puteau fi luate sau ratacite. Este inacceptabil !!! Si sunt ferm constienta ca NIMENI nu ma va baga in seama si comportamentul individei nu va fi redresat. In conditiile in care suntem tratati in halul asta nu inteleg de ce se mai mira politicienii ca le pleaca cetatenii ! Sa va fie rusine!
De mentionat ca s-a petrecut in Hammersmith la Consulat.
Ana Lungu
Ana Lungu2 years ago
(Translated by Google) Very ugly behavior of the lady who took the documents.

Comportament foarte urit al doamnei care a preluat actele.
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